. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the inspiration, mysteries and art of rickard westman

torsdag 3 november 2011

Vederlag artwork

My old friends in Vederlag (swedish crust punk) put up their new 6-track album on bandcamp a few days ago. Be sure to listen to it, it's sweet!

Thought I'd post the artwork for it. So here it is.
Did try some new techniques that turned out pretty cool and the pure white and chaotic darkness of the front cover gave it a somewhat unique feel that works really well. Great learning experience for future work on my part.

While I am at it I might just put up some alternative ideas I had for this.
And be sure to take a listen to their music - Vederlag

fredag 14 oktober 2011

måsstaden pre order 18/10

A date for the pre ordering of the Vildhjarta album was announced yesterday featured with a piece of my måsstaden artwork. Nice to see it unfold like this, bit by bit.

torsdag 6 oktober 2011

Måsstaden, cover art preview.

Another update from Måsstaden hit us tonight.

Vildhjarta put up the track list for the album and a mystical preview image of the front cover on their facebook page. I'll wait for the album to be released before showing high res stuff and additional images but I can say that the whole concept of Måsstaden will be well worth the wait.

go to - Vildhjarta facebook


tisdag 27 september 2011

Vildhjarta Måsstaden

The debut album Måsstaden of the band Vildhjarta will be released at the end of November. I created the artwork for it and a couple of days ago Century Media put this album teaser up on Youtube. The teaser showcases a small portion of where you will be taken and what you will experience.

I had a great time working with the talented 7 member band during their last two months of recording Måsstaden. A very creative, chaotic and inspirational two months that really pushed the best out of all involved. Can't wait to see how the physical copy of this turned out. I'll keep you posted.


måndag 11 april 2011

Pyramid of Judgement / DWV

The Dominance War V, Rise of Gods.

Thought I would update this and put the final illustration here with the additional images.

Below is the wip post from a while back. I'll leave it as it is.

Been finding a lot of inspiration in Pyramids lately so it came kind of natural to have my God be part Pyramid. I love all the symbolism and mysteries around Pyramids, and that simple ancient shape became an interesting base for a part structure part organic God.

*For more back story and some of my thoughts about this visit, the Thanatos wip thread.

Inspirational sheet, pyramids:

Pyramids on Mars...?

söndag 10 april 2011

This post will be the start of a new direction for this blog. I will, from now on, focus on what inspires me and what i find interesting and of course what i do artwise.
As i have moved my Portfolio to rickardwestman.com i will, in this blog, emphasize the work in progress stages and different techniques i use to create whatever i create.
My thought was to have a space where i can collect stuff that is inspiring to me and what pushes me to do what i do, and at the same time share it and get inspiration from others comments.
I'll be talking about pretty much anything from art, books, brushes, ancient civilizations, movies, painters, places, pyramids, planets, mysteries... i guess inspiration can come from anywhere.

Feel free to follow this!

